Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In Amazement

In the busyness of life, I want to set aside time to process what the Lord has been teaching me. Not only that, but I want to be able to encourage others by showing Christ's love to me through my writings. There will be times when I'm confused, hurt, happy and sad. But I know one thing for sure, I will always strive to not let my heart become discouraged. John 14:1 says, "Let not your heart be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." (Jesus to His disciples)

I'm amazed that even in the busyness of life around me, God draws me to Himself, reminding me that I am a precious child of the Most High!

I'm at a place in life where it's not good enough to be off again/on again on fire with my walk with God. There will be months that I am passionately in love with my Savior. But then there are also months when I can go days or even weeks within so much as a simple prayer. I'm struggling with the question, "How can I be consistent in my walk with God?" It's a constant battle and effort and I believe it comes with practice...constant practice.

I'm amazed that even though I fail time and time again, my Heavenly Father picks me up and sets me back on the straight and narrow once again. Praise God!

I don't understand a lot of things in life. But something I have really learned time and time again is not to doubt what the Lord is doing. God really DOES know our desires and our needs and He will provide for those. Every time I go to question what the Lord is doing in either my life or a friends, I sit back and think, "God, even though I don't understand what's going on, thank you for the things that I DO understand." What a blessing! God could keep everything from me, yet He chooses to reveal His almighty plan slowly to me. I will never be able to see the entire picture, but the Lord knows exactly what I can handle at this point in life.

I'm amazed at the power and wisdom of God. He allows us to understand concepts in the Bible that we aren't even worthy to comprehend!

At the end of the day, what matters? People say, "How hard you work," or "If you've spent time with your family," or "If you've loved others." What matters most to me at the end of each day, "Did I please God and make Him proud of me in every aspect of today?" That is what matters to me! Yes, I love my family, I want to love others, and I want to be a hard worker, but I believe all those things tie into pleasing God and making Him proud.

I'm amazed that I have the privilege of seeing my Savior face to face one day. I want to be a faithful servant of the Messiah so that when I meet Him, He will be proud of who I become in the life He gave me on earth. I don't want to just be on fire every once in awhile, but striving every single day of my life.


  1. Welcome to Virginia Beach, Becky! I'm so glad you found my blog, because if not I might not have gotten to read this powerful post! I especially loved when you said - "Did I please God and make Him proud of me in every aspect of today?" How amazing! Just imagine how different our world could be if we all strived to please Him daily. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and I pray that you will continue to be such a bright light of the Lord!

  2. Becky - I read your comment on Lizzy's blog (she's a friend of a friend of a friend...so she doesn't even really know me) and linked to your blog, and will definitely add it to my daily "rounds" of blogs!

    I'm provoked by your faith and wisdom...I have the same struggle with being "on again/off again" and have to be intentional in my walk. Right now I'm reading Piper's "Don't Waste Your Life" and highly recommend it!

    I look forward to reading what you share...

    ~A sister in Christ from Michigan
